Welcome to HEEB!

You may remember us from the Bush years, when we were the semi-quarterly glossy home for subversive Jewish culture. Now we’re back to provide our fellow Heebs, honorary and otherwise, a space with no reservations.

Visually, HEEB Magazine was in a class of its own. Striking photographs, arresting comic strips, eye catching graphics. And then there were the ads. Even the staidest product or Jewish non-profit could be… hip …with an assist from HEEB.

HEEB became a web-only publication in 2010, a victim of the internet era’s war on magazines’ finances. Today we’re reinventing HEEB, with a new vision for a new time. HEEB Media will feature cross platform original audio, video, and writing, an unparalleled online store, and in-person events to showcase artists and build community

Culture, at its best, is fun and challenging. It makes you laugh and it makes you think. It helps you escape and forces you to pay attention. Today HEEB Media, by covering and creating culture, past and present, is doing all of the above.

Join us on Instagram. Pick up a few back issues, read some of our favorite articles, and browse the HEEB Shop. We’re happy to have you in the HEEB community!

Heeb Media, Inc
Board of Directors

Mik Moore, President
Rachel Weinstein, Secretary
Libby Lenkinski, Treasurer
Jessica Apple